Blues Events

🔹 Blue Devils: Professional Showmanship, Audience Awareness and Charm.
🔹 Boogie woogie jam: Music Improvisation and Musicality.
🔹 Drown troubles in alcohol: All-night Partying, Proper Drinking Habits and Mood Level.
🔹 Play with devil's hands: Ritual Summoning, Professional Showmanship and Health Level.
🔹 Put shades on: Professional Showmanship, Basic Sex Appeal and Looks.
🔹 Shot glass guitar slide: Basic String Instruments, Music Improvisation and Musicality.
🔹 Speak of the Painful Past: Professional Showmanship, Audience Awareness and Charm.
🔹 Tell the story of The Blues: Rhetoric, Audience Awareness and Intelligence.

▫️ All-night Partying
▫️ Audience Awareness
▫️ Basic Sex Appeal
▫️ Basic String Instruments
▫️ Music Improvisation
▫️ Professional Showmanship
▫️ Proper Drinking Habits
▫️ Rhetoric
▫️ Ritual Summoning

Modified: 2020-09-05Viewed 706 timesWritten by Amarilis Nielsen