Pop Events

🔹 Accidentally show nipple: Basic Acting, Basic Sex Appeal and Looks.
🔹 Change Clothes: Basic Fashion and Looks.
🔹 Come in like a wrecking ball: Erotic Dance, All-night Partying and Charm.
🔹 Flirt with Audience: Basic Sex Appeal, Basic Catwalking and Mood Level.
🔹 M. Jackson Crotch Grab: Basic Dancing, Basic Sex Appeal and Looks.
🔹 Make out with a fan on stage: Audience Awareness, Professional Showmanship and Charm.
🔹 Moonwalk: Basic Dancing, Moonwalking and Health Level.
🔹 Sit on the edge of the stage: Basic Modelling, Basic Sex Appeal and Charm.

▫️ All-night Partying
▫️ Audience Awareness
▫️ Basic Acting
▫️ Basic Catwalking
▫️ Basic Dancing
▫️ Basic Fashion
▫️ Basic Modelling
▫️ Basic Sex Appeal
▫️ Erotic Dance
▫️ Moonwalking
▫️ Professional Showmanship

Modified: 2020-09-05Viewed 659 timesWritten by Amarilis Nielsen