Isla del Cráneo

🌊 Item needed: Old Parchment (Check: Isla de Tormenta)

⚠️ Warning: During this adventure, you may lose track of the path, try to check the map and find your way.

Start from the blue square and go to the yellow one.

🟦 Starting point (Seafaring Sailboat)
🟧 Pirate Corpse (Get a random pirate clothing)
🟥 Fall point (From upstairs to downstairs)
🟨 Ending point (Rewards)

1️⃣ Use: Sign (Wooden) You made it throught!
🎁 Reward: +40% health boost
2️⃣ Use: Tree Stump
🎁 Reward: Captain's Key (Wood), Health & Mood boost
3️⃣ Use: Pathway to the sailboat (37 minutes)
Use: Seafaring Sailboat

Isla del Craneo