Skill Booster

Skill Booster is a special item which grants a full star to skill you're working on, helping you to progress faster.

How to use it?

1️⃣ Go to Character > Focus > Improve Skill and select the skill you want to improve.
2️⃣ Go to Character > Inventory and use the Skill Booster.

📌 Tip: Since it grants a full star, it's best to use this item to finish up your skills from 4 stars to 5 stars.
You should also avoid using it on musical genre skills, as they can be improved on St. Kobe's Day every year.

How to get Skill Boosters?

📚 Finish a guide: Every character that is at least 16 years old has access to the Learning and Improving Skills guide. Finish it to gain a Skill Booster with 5 uses!

Set sail to the Seven Seas: Visit Isla del Gobernador and gain a single use of Skill Booster after finishing the island. (Check: Seven Seas)

👨‍🎓 Tincture of Higher Learning: This item is essentially a Skill Booster, with a different name. It comes with 5 uses. It was part of the Home Schooling credit package and can be found from <#588000650521214978> or World Trade Forum.