
πŸ”† Every week, you may select one of the three challenges that the temple offers. If you complete it within the given time, there's a sweet reward waiting for you. Remember that, in general, any progress made in a challenge before picking it up does not count. It is not necessary to travel to the temple to accept a challenge. The challenges usually give 2XP to ppm players and 2XP and marbles to Tgh players weekly.

πŸ†In total, a character can receive up to 5 xps a week if he does the challenges correctly. These xps can help improve a skill or attribute or be used to level up health or humor in quests and tours.πŸ”

:memo: Read carefully what the chosen challenge proposes so that you can do it correctly within the given time.

πŸ’¬ If will not be able to complete a challenge before the deadline, cancel it and accept to start again from 0.