Frank's Day

📖 Origin: When Frank Blomdahl, the former mayor of Stockholm, died (Day 27, PY50) a mysterious Monolith appeared in the Stockholm cemetery.

People tried to use the monolith, but it was not yet cleared. After a year, on the day of Frank's death, the people who used the monolith won 3xp and so it is today.

🏙️ City: Stockholm
💀 Locale: Frank Blomdahl Minneslund (ID: 4141)
📆 Day: 27

1️⃣ Use: Monolith
📝 Diary: The thing's hollow... it goes on forever... and... oh my Frank, it's full of stars!
🎁 Reward: 3 experience points

📌 Tip: There is no age limit, no VIP requirement - anybody can use it and it can be repeated every year.