Herbs and Drugs


🔸Basic Botany
Botany is the science of identifying and organizing plants and herbs. Where regular people just see pretty flowers and annoying undergrowth, the botanist might identify rare herbs, leaves, roots and so forth.

🔸Basic Medicine
Skill that comes in handy when you plan to take a job in a hospital. But also, when you are ill, you can treat yourself. With this skill, resting improves your health more than it would without it. A high level of skill enables you to benefit from medicine at higher health levels.

This skill is the science of drugs and chemical substances, how to produce them and their effects on humans. It enables you to produce some basic such substances, if you have the right components.

🔸Advanced Pharmacology
This skill gives you insight into the most advanced drugs and treatments, such as how to make medicine for various diseases.

🍃Herb → 💊Drug

Comfrey leaves → Painkillers 5 uses
(Increases health for 3 hours)

Damania leaves → Potion of Aphrodisiac 10 uses
(Both parties must use aphro 1x to be able to have sex again.)

St. John's Wort → Anti-depressive tincture 1 use
(Increases mood for 3 hours)

Barberry → Herbal remedy 1 use
(It reduces 2/3 of the original disease time)

Rhubarb leaves → Bottle of Poison DEADLY 1 use
(Death in 7 days)

Wormwood → Bottle of Absinthe 2 uses
(alcoholic drink to be used in recipes)

Psilocybic mushrooms → Weird pink pill DANGEROUS 1 use
(Reduces the IQ of those who use on 4 levels)

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme → Morning after pill 1 use
(Prevents pregnancy, but only works before the "you are currently affected by pregnancy" message appears)

Pufferfish Plant → Voodoo powder 1 use
(Great chance of death. Used for the achievement "I visited the land of the dead")