
Having good tracks is the very first step to releasing records and selling it to your fans worldwide. It isn't tricky, but you'll require the following:

Track 🎼
A song that is attached to your band either by being composed by one of the members or bought in the song market. You can't record songs that belong to other artists.

Producer 📀
It's impossible to have a good track without a good producer. You need someone with 5* in Basic Record Production and the genre, and also maximum Musicality. You can be your own producer too. Never forget to invite the person for the task!

Featuring 🎤
It's the person that will add a bit of flavour to the track. You can record without a featuring, but it's highly recommended to have one because it can boost the performance to revolutionary (22). The person needs 5* in the genre and maximum Musicality. Don't forget to invite the person too!

Tips ✨
The genre of the record studio doesn't matter, but the quality and the condition do. For better results, check if the record studio has a HQ in the same city with a recent visit (within 14 days) from the company president: the system doesn't show it, but the condition becomes revolutionary (22). High mood (above 90%) is also recommended.