Crossed the desert

🏜️ Difficulty: Easy. Lowers health by 5%-20% (Average; could be more, could be less)
🏙️ City: Johannesburg
Locale: Desert Temple (ID: 1845328)
🖐 Use: Statue of Celestial Beauty
👣 Directions:

- Take one step North, and write down if you got lost on this step.
- Take another step North, and write down if you got lost on this second step.
- Follow one of these directions, based on where you got lost in the first two steps:``````css
+ If you got lost on both steps: 
[West, West, North, North, North]

+ If you got lost on the first step but not on the second:
[South, South, West, West, West, West]

+ If you did not get lost on the first step but got lost on the second step:
[North, North, East, East, East]

+ If you did not get lost at all:
[East, South, South, South]

📌 Note: Keep in mind, you can only explore the desert on the St. Kobe's Day. You're always advised to have something to back up your health during the adventure.