The Perfect Crime

⭐ To get the achievement 'The Perfect Crime' you have to heist Fort Melvin (localeId = 3292597) while getting all the loot and signing it.

ℹ️ Requirements:

You'll need...:

A crew of 3 people. (You can heist Fort Melvin with a crew of 2 people, but you can't get get all the loot and sign it).

The following crew roles:
-- Mastermind
-- Safe Cracker
-- Hacker

These tools (of at least revolutionary quality):
- Baseball Bat
- Drill
- Lock Pick
- Sledgehammer
- Stethoscope
- Surveillance System Console 
- Wire Cutter

The following cards:
- Roundabout Rounds III
- Another Roundabouts Rounds III (a II is possible if you're lucky and/or your tools are of good quality, but a III is preferred)
- Fugheddaboudit!
- The Signature
ℹ️ note that you can only play 4 cards in this heist (2 cards limit + a Fugheddaboudit! card)

Obstacles ➡️ actions (and tools)
-- Electric Fence Power Unit ➡️ disconnect (no tool)
-- Perimeter Fence ➡️ cut (with Wire Cutter)
-- Security Camera ➡️ hack (with Surveillance System Console)
-- Double Locked Door ➡️ pick lock (with Lock Pick)
-- Security Guard ➡️ knock out (with Baseball Bat)
-- Elderly Bank Manager ➡️ distract (no tool)
-- High Security Door ➡️ drill (with Drill)
-- Dual Tech Motion Detector ➡️ hack (with Surveillance System Console)
-- Vault Door ➡️ crack (with Stethoscope)
-- Platinum Bar (3x) ➡️ gather loot
-- Padlocked Security Door ➡️ smash (with Sledgehammer) or pick lock (with Lock Pick the alarm level is red and you have plenty of time left)

The Hacker has to deal with the Electric Fence Power Unit, Security Camera and Dual Tech Motion Detector

The Safe Cracker has to deal with the Perimeter Fence, High Security Door and Vault Door

The rest of the obstacles should be done by the crew member with the best appropriate tool

Final word
This guide will give you a good chance of getting the achievement, but it won't be 100% successful. And that's because there's a random factor for the alarm level and the time when breaching obstacles.