Robbed the Devil's Archive

⭐ This adventure is only for TGH characters.

ℹ️ Requirements to use the Pathway:

There are 2 theories about the requirements.

Theory 1:
400 TGH related achievement points

Theory 2:
- Complete at least 100 heists
- Do every type of heist at least once (except for Fort Melvin)
- Get a Weekly Gauntlet Award (not win it, just get in the top 10. Any gauntlet type will do)

ℹ️ Also check the guide 'Temple Intrusion' before starting this quest!

🏙️ City: Los Angeles
🛣️ Locale: Temple (ID: 106797)
ℹ️ Use: Pathway Devil's Archive
🌳 Arrived: Devil's Archive
📋 Goal: Collect all 6 Purple Cards

👣 You will arrive at a random place in the Archive. Move around a bit and try to find out where you are on the map.
All credits to Ferruh Murat (3403276) for creating this map

🔴 The red numbered squares (1 to 6) indicate the places where you might find 2 Purple Cards.
⚫ The black squares indicate dead ends.
🌈 You can go to the other side of the map by using the coloured squares.

ℹ️ Tips:

You will loose health while exploring the Archive. So bring health items or xp's with you.

You'll find the cards in pairs:
- Dante's Flame Retardant & Louis Cyphre Index
- Dispel Evil & True Sight
- Silence! & The Number of the Beast

⛪ After finding the Purple Cards you can leave the Devil's Archive. You are now ready to heist any temple. See the guide 'Temple Intrusion' on how to proceed.