Bullion Depository Heist

Bullion Depository Heist
ℹ️ General
Target: Bullion Depository (specifically Fort Melvin in Nashville)
Difficulty: 7 out of 7
Card limit: 2 cards
Clock: xx minutes
Special: A crew can only do this heist once every 28 days

💰 Loot
Available: 3x Platinum Bar
Loot value: 60,000 M$ a piece
Loot points: 60 points a piece, 180 for all loot (90 a piece or 270 for all loot with 🃏The Signature)
Max. marbles: 100 marbles

Want to know which 👥 roles are commonly used for this heist, which 🛠️ tools and 🃏 cards to bring and which 🚧 obstacles you can expect? Check out the next pages! ➡️

👥 Most common roles
Solo: Hacker
Duo: Hacker + Master Mind
Trio: Hacker + Master Mind + Safe Cracker

🛠️ Tools
Depending on how you decide to breach the obstacles during the heist, you may need some or all of the tools listed below.
Baseball bat: Security guard
Bolt cutter: Padlocked security door
Drill: High security door
Lock pick: Double locked door, padlocked security door
Sledgehammer: Padlocked security door
Stethoscope: Vault door
Surveillance System Console: Electric fence power unit, security camera, dual tech motion detector
Wire cutters: Perimeter fence

📌 You can still breach an obstacle without having the tool for it, but doing so will be less efficient and take more time.

🃏 Cards
Bettie Pin-Up: Elderly Bank Manager (2 minutes)
Elven Cloak: Dual Tech Motion Sensor (2 minutes)
O Fortuna: High Security Door (2 minutes)
Open Sesame: Vault Door (2 minutes)
Static Noise: Security Camera (2 minutes)
Stomach Pangs: Security Guard (2 minutes)

Now that everyone in your crew knows their role and has prepared their tools and cards, it is time for the heist! The next page shows which 🚧 obstacles you can expect and how to breach them. ➡️

🚧 Obstacles
Breaching options marked with...
🛠️ ... require a tool.
🚨 ... have a high chance of increasing or triggering the alarm.
⌛ ... are very slow.
🃏 ... are cards that can be used.

🚪 Inanimate obstacles:
Double locked door: 🛠️Pick lock or 🚨Bust down
Dual tech motion detector: 🛠️Hack or 🚨Smash or 🃏Elven Cloak
Electric fence power unit: 🛠️Disconnect or 🚨Smash
High security door: 🛠️Drill or 🃏O Fortuna
Padlocked security door: 🛠️Pick lock, 🛠️🚨Cut through or 🛠️🚨Smash
Perimeter fence: 🛠️Cut through or Climb over
Security Camera: 🛠️Hack, 🚨🛠️Smash or 🃏Static Noise
Vault door: 🛠️Crack or 🃏Open Sesame

👫 Living obstacles:
Elderly Bank Manager: Distract, ⌛Seduce or 🃏Bettie Pin-Up
Security Guard: Distract, 🚨🛠️Knock out or 🃏Stomach Pangs

You now know everything you need to make this heist a success! Good luck!

Still have a question? Let us know in <#560009391970058240>!