Seven Seas: Basic Information

🔶 Items you need:
▫️ Gold doubloon (credit item)
▫️ Shovel (regular one, from stores)
▫️ Scuba gear
▫️ Items or XP for health/mood

🔷 Optional items that may be helpful (and their weight):
▫️ The Waves of Hokusai (1%): it keeps you away from waves that take you off course
▫️ Pirate cutlass (3%): but you can also get a Netherworld Cutlass for free at Isla Maldita, which works the same way
▫️ Amulet of Kobe (1%): for the crypts, but it's not that important
▫️ Blackbeard's shovel (3%): to dig up stuff while you're on the island part of a locale, for a chance to find money, vintage jewelry/accessories and even a Small Bottle of Eau de Ponce (rare). It replaces the regular shovel, so if you take this one you don't need the other.
▫️ Rude Evin Dragonfly 2000 (3%): it teleports you to the last destination you set

🔶 Keep in mind that encumbrance is a tricky matter on this quest, so refrain from bringing too many optional items or stuff for rp purposes, if you're trying to get it all done in one go.

🔷 Going with a friend (or sending two of your characters) makes it more possible to complete the quest without having to throw stuff away (you guys can share the pirate clothes, for example).

⚠️ If you're in the crypt, be careful not to fall unconscious, because that'll reset the counter and all the previous wait will be gone to waste.

🔶 The preferable time of the year to go to the Seven Seas is around the Return of the Kraken (day 22). You might want to adapt your route to drop by La Maldicion de McCracken while the Kraken is on the surface (the sooner the better). However, if you're a criminal you can choose 2 treasures to skip and still you'll gain the Master of the Seven Seas achievement (in case that's your goal), so that's up to you.

🔷 If you already have the maps and the pirate outfit, you can bring them with you, it'll save you a few trips and you won't depend on randomness to find the clothes.

Ocean Treasure Map N 9/W 13
Ocean Treasure Map N 20/W 12
Ocean Treasure Map N 23/E 18
Ocean Treasure Map N 28/E 12
Ocean Treasure Map S 4/E 5
Ocean Treasure Map S 4/E 13
Ocean Treasure Map S 17/W 5
Ocean Treasure Map S 19/W 22

Check Seven Seas: Achievements for the pirate clothes list.

🔶 Mermaids can appear randomly and give you a health boost while you're sailing.

🔷 Apart from the material rewards, some islands give XP or health/mood boost.

🔶 Watch out for your health, especially while in a crypt or waiting on islands with Huesos or Muertos in their name.

🔷 Once you've done all the scuba diving, you can throw your scuba gear away, which will free up 50% encumbrance.