Age Items

Age Altering Items
Curious about changing your age? Not satisfied with your kids being really young or your own hair turning grey? You've come to the right place to learn about how to alter your characters' ages.

Bottle of Second Chances
Sets your age to 18. Was available in the "You Only Live Twice" credit package for 750 credits in October 2020.

Eau de Ponce
Sets your age back 5 years. Personal bottle has the same effect but cannot be traded. Small bottle of Eau de Ponce rejuvenates 2 years.

Rejuvenation (Credit Product)
Sets your age back 1 year. Can only be used once per game year. Costs 250 credits.

D.G. Instaselfie 2000

Each use makes you 1 year younger and removes 3 xp from your charm

Bottle of Mr. Button's Brew

Drinking this bottle will reverse your ageing process. Each birthday you celebrate will make you one year younger until you’re 16 years old again. The effect of the brew will remain even after you turn 16 at which point it will prevent further ageing. The only way to remove the effect of the Mr. Button's Brew is to have it removed with a special antidote.