Collapsed Floor - Maps & Tips

Collapsed Floor Maps #1-5

ℹ️ There are 5 possible maps, and they are all similar. So, we should figure it out by keep moving and eliminating. Follow the ❌ and ✅ guidelines below and pay attention to the Check Point icons 🚩 on the maps.

👀 Check the directions at Elevator.
✅If there’re NORTH and EAST, then you are atCollapsed Floor #1.
❌If there’s ONLY EAST, then skip to the next Map.

👣 Explore: EAST

👀 Check the directions here.
✅If there’re NORTH WEST and SOUTHEAST , then you are at the 🚩 Check Point in Collapsed Floor #2.
❌Otherwise, skip to the next Map .

👣 Explore: SOUTH

👀 Check the directions here.
✅If there’s a WEST, then you are at the 🚩 Check Point in Collapsed Floor #3.
❌Otherwise, skip to the next Map .

👣 Explore: SOUTH

4️⃣ & 5️⃣
👀 Check the directions here.
✅If there’s a WEST, then you are at the 🚩 Check Point in Collapsed Floor #4.
✅If there's NO WEST, then you are at the 🚩 Check Point in Collapsed Floor #5.