Babies, Kids, Teenagers

Want to know about the early lives of your characters and what you can do with them while you're waiting for them to grow up? Look no further! Let's see how much fun we can really have with our Pop and TGH children.

🍼 Babies
▫️ Your baby will be born ~6 weeks after your pregnancy, though (s)he will not always be born on the exact due date.

▫️ If your character isn't traveling or on a quest🔹, they will automatically be transported to the hospital, where they will be in labor for 12 hours. After those 12 hours, you will receive a diary entry about the baby being born. If you log out and then log back into your account, you will see a new baby, which will be called 'Baby [Your Last Name Here]' until you rename them.

▫️ You may request a paternity test at the hospital and then go to your city courthouse to name your child. If you want to give them a name from one of the pre-made lists, that is free, but if you want to make a custom name, you must purchase the credit product to do so.

▫️ After your baby is born, make sure to purchase a birthday cake to help your little one gain XPs right away!

🔹 If your character is traveling or on a quest, then their labor will be pushed back.

🚸 Children
▫️ For the most part, children can't really do much between the ages of 0-12, but there are a few items that can be used to increase XP immediately (and to increase your chance of weekly XP) and to further develop your children so that they are prepared to learn skills by the time that they're 12. These items are the following:
🔹 Cuddly Grinch, Cuddly Snowman, Cuddly Santa, Cuddly Christmas Elf - These four items will reward your children with XP immediately when they use them, but there are varying cooldowns on each one.
🔹 Between the ages of 2 and 6, your children can use a crayon and coloring book, which will give your children a chance at +1 XP immediately.
🔹 When they're 7 (and only when they're 7), they can use Itching Powder, which rewards them with +1 XP immediately. Use the powder on someone when you're interacting.
🔹 Between ages 0-11, children may use a Jack-o'-Lantern on Halloween to gain +1 XP immediately.

▫️ Another fun item to use that will not give your character XP, but that is just fun to use to spam with, is the Water Gun item, which your character can use only until he or she is 16.

▫️ Once your child turns 12, they will be able to finally learn skills. You're free to teach them whatever you'd like for them to learn, but when they're between 12 and 16, it's the best time to teach them skills for their future careers and they should learn will depend on whether they're part of the Pop world or TGH.

▫️ There are some very useful skills that children can learn and use to help your adult characters, too. For example: children over 12 can learn Basic Botany and pick flowers for their parents or they can learn Record Production and master a specific genre skill and become a record producer for your band.

▫️ Children may also begin to hang out with friends once they're 12.

🔞 Teenagers
▫️ Starting at 13, your teenager will begin to go through puberty, which will appear as a health status for your teenager. This status will go away right before they turn 16.

▫️ Teenagers are able to flirt and date, but there are some age restrictions:
🔹 Teenagers who are 13-15 can only romantically date and flirt with others who are between 13 and 15; teenagers who are 16 may flirt with and date anyone at any age, as long as they're 16+.

▫️ Once your character turns 16, they can become pregnant if they're female or they can get a female character pregnant, if they're male, so now is a good time to stock up on condoms if you don't want a whoopsie baby.

▫️ When your character turns 18, they're able to get married, even though Popmundo/TGH considers 16 year olds to be adults.