Isla de la Montaña

📌 Items needed: Old parchment, Adventurer's Rope, Adventurer's Lantern (Check: Isla de Tormenta)

👣 Explore: E
⛰️ Arrived: Foot of the Mountain
1️⃣ Use Wall "Up" (21 min)
⛰️ Arrived: Lower Plateau
👣 Explore:

UP > W > W > W > NW > NW
N > N > N > NE > DOWN > NE > E

2️⃣ Use: Cave opening (6 min)
🚧 Arrived: Dark cave
3️⃣ Use: Dark pathway East (3 min)
4️⃣ Use: Floor (Sand)
🗺️ Reward: Ocean Treasure Map N 28/E 12 (Harket's Treasure)
5️⃣ Use: Dark pathway West (3 min)
6️⃣ Use: Cave opening (6 min)
🚧 Arrived: Shadowside

👣 Explore:

W > SW > UP > NE > E > E > E > SE
SE > S > S > UP > N > N > UP > NW
NW > DOWN > W > W > SW > UP
E > UP > W > SW > DOWN
SW > S > SE > E > DOWN > E

⛰️ Arrived: Lower Plateau
7️⃣ Use: Wall (Stone) "Up" (27 min)
⛰️ Arrived: Upper plateau

👣 Explore:

E > NE > UP > SW > NW > DOWN
N > UP > NE > E > UP > SE > SW > UP

🏔️ Arrived: Crest
8️⃣ Use: Floor(Stone)
🎁 Reward: Captain's Key (Stone)
9️⃣ Use: Viewpoint
🎁 Reward: 40% mood & 20% health boost
🔟 Use: Plank (Wooden) Down
🏆 Achievement: Found the Needle!
The Plank also takes you back to the foot of the mountain (7 min)
👣 Explore: SE
Use: Seafaring Sailboat