Botmundo Tutorial

๐Ÿ‘ฅ Profiles & Characters

Connect your characters to your account and let Botmundo do its magic!
Botmundo will display your avatar, statement, age, and birthday.
People can mention your characters in the server to preview them.

๐Ÿ”— Adding a character to your profile

First of all, you will need to add your Discord Tag to your character trivia on your Background & Misc page.
After then, simply type !add followed by your character ID.
If the verification is successful, Botmundo will connect it to your profile.

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ Manage your profile

Typing !profile will bring up all your connected characters.
You may select a character by reacting with the number emoji corresponding to it.

While in the character preview, select star emoji to set it as your main character or trash bin emoji to remove the character from your profile.


โ„น๏ธ Quick tips

1. You can check other people's profiles by adding their name after the !profile command.
2. [Character Name] or [Character ID] brings up a short preview of said characters.
3. You can alternatively type [I] or [me] to bring up your main character's short preview.

๐Ÿ“ธ Screenshot Features
Botmundo allows you to quickly share screenshots of blog posts, forum messages and The Insider articles. See the commands below.

!blog character.ID
!forum message.ID
!insider article.ID
!diary character.ID``` **Tip:** There's <#618140030321295390> channel to share your posts and browse through others.


๐Ÿ“ธ Poparazzi

Snap pictures of server celebrities at <#734840949489926335>!


๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Interactions

Start Popmundo/TGH like relationships here in the server.
Visit <#703649213409525790> channel and start interacting with people by typing !interact and adding someone's name after.
Example: !interact botmundo(Check pinned messages for more commands)


๐Ÿ›’ Market Place

With Botmundo, you can post your <#561636453470175271> & <#371017239459004416> orders.
Or just browse through the market and see items on sale.
Check <#588000650521214978> for the detailed information.

๐ŸŽŠ Fun Features

Birthday Tracker

Type !birthdays to see today's and tomorrow's birthdays. Note that this only includes characters linked by users.

Song Name Generator

Typing !song will make Botmundo generate a song title for you.

User Statistics

Type !stats to check out your server statistics.


[someone] has eaten all the pizza!```Typing `[someone]` brings up a random character. Use this to create funny stories.

Statement Manipulation

!statement 494042 I love pizza more than everything!````!statement characterID text` shares a screenshot of a fake character statement.

Ask me anything!

@Botmundo can I have some pizza please?```Ask questions to <@586186726473596938> by mentioning it before your text and it will talk back to you.